Friday, September 26, 2008


Recently it has come to my attention that Serena Williams is writing her memoirs. Ms. Williams has lived a wonderful life and done more things in her life than I will probably ever do in mine. She has traveled all over the world and seen many fascinating places. Ms. Williams has played and won the most prestigious events in tennis. There is no doubt that she is one of the best tennis players of all time.

With all that being said she is 26 years old. That's right 26. Although she has done many wonderful things in her life, is it really necessary to write your memoirs now? I am going to go out on a limb and say she is not going to die anytime in the near future. I will also guess that she will do many great things in her life away from the game of tennis. She has many outside interests and is a well rounded person who will no doubt have an impact in other areas of her life. So why would you write your memoirs now? I can't imagine she needs the money. Does she really think her life is that interesting that she needs to recount the first 26 years of her life on paper.

Memoirs are an account of someones life and experiences. These should not be written when you are 26 years old. This is something that should be done when you are older and have a chance to look back at what you have done in your life. Although she is a mature woman I am sure she would look back on her experiences differently when she is in her 40's. Do you know when Ben Franklin started to work on his memoirs? I do, it was from 1771-1790 when he was in his late 70's and early 80's. This is when someone should write about their life's work and experiences. When celebrities write their memoirs at such a young age it is for money and nothing else. I am not saying that this is wrong, but I can't imagine she has a whole lot of meaningful thoughts and insights into her own life and experiences at 26 years old.

Maybe I am wrong and if I am I better get going on my life's work. I'm 27 and a year behind Ms. Williams.

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